Another egorhythm. Algorithm for the concealing of the own self
Călin Torsan

Things took place almost the way I told you. Almost. The crust of the fluster we had accumulated because of being caught in a show which seemed posh to us and which we had no idea how to deal with, cracked two or three minutes before the beginning of the show. And, as one always has to have a pretext, in this case ours was represented by some cloaks we had to put on. ?And do we really have to put these on? They are very thick and they doesn?t leave our hands free so we can?t play because of them? ? ??Come on guys, please, do this too because there is only one minute till we begin. I am asking you, please, help me? I have had enough trouble with this show already.?- ?OK? We?ll put them on.?

That was easy to say. And easy to do. But, when seeing each other, wrapped in those moth nests, gathered from God knows what closed down theatre storehouse, we all burst into laughter. It was not a normal, but a nervous, sometimes hysterical laughter, which made the director crack. From then on, till the show was over, nobody could talk some sense into us. We took over that tepid cultural hall and its success or defamation depended entirely on us. We paid no attention to any indication hurled at us by the director from the back of the curtain, all the more, we even indifferently forgot everything we had been told a few hours before.

The show can begin. The show must go on! Silence took over the place. It is the sign of the level of hopes of the public. Darkness? I enter the stage, trembling with laughter, focusing both on the white chalk stripe meant to guide me and on my friends? off- censured laughter. Because of the laughter, I cannot play the whistle at all. All I can do is to walk slowly and crookbacked, in order to find my way. Close to the centre of the stage I stumble over the cloak. It is only God who still keeps me standing. Yet, the sound of the thud cannot stop the roars of laughter coming from the boys backstage. With my heart turned to ice, I can feel the public?s bewilderment. I know they are all serious, Christian people who had suffered a lot. People who had lost families. Even though, I can hardly prevent myself from laughing. I can hear the director?s lashes spitted trough the teeth full of cavities.

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